
technology and Miss Danielle.

I can't keep up with all of this technology in my life. iPhone, computer, printer, laminator, sewing machine, microwave, refrigerator, oven, blender, juicer (hopefully soon!).... etcetera. They are all calling my name for use at different times of the day. Blogs, facebook, twitter, myspace.... they all make me miss the days of a simple Xanga journal. I am LOVING Austin and the air of the people and lifestyle presented here. Healthy, upbeat, and overall concerned about the life they are living and not just living it. I am so blessed by my school and the people that I work with. They are all caring and warm and ready to help out in any way that they can. It is just constant proof of God's goodness and the fact that His plan is always better than anything I can dream up.

I am "Miss Danielle" to 13 children at the moment and it will be 28 by the end of the year. Working with children is such a wonderful profession. I am constantly challenged, encouraged, completely stretched and loved by these beautiful little people. They are such an example of the joy, grace and love that we can only pray to exude on a daily basis. As a side note, I am exhausted!! Ha. Moving, unpacking, starting a real job, finding my way around a new city, making new friends and trying to keep the old is a hard act to balance! The idea of settling in for a few years is really exciting. I can only reiterate how fortunately blessed I feel to be in this place in life and how humbled I am by sovereignty of God and His love for me.

If you come to Austin, hit me up! I would love to see you!!

-Ms. Danielle