
Pray for India

please keep the hostages/gunmen/families of victims in your prayers....

thank you.

Ohh the holidays! I know it's a day late, but Happy Thanksgiving. I want to start by saying that I had such an amazing time with family this year. We shared a delicious meal (of which i contributed these two pieces, sadly, these photos are not mine, courtesy of 1. velvetstrawberries.typepad.com and 2. Ditte Isager, an amazing London-based photographer), played Guitar Hero II, Balderdash and shared stories about our year and the things that have really inspired us. I am so thankful for family, friends, and the stage that I am enjoying in life right now. I am free to visit and enjoy many members of my family that I have had little time and resources to visit in the past. It is always fun meeting new people and making new friends, and I am very grateful for that. Also, I am thankful for the emotional/financial support of family and friends during this time of transition for me. Being a jobless grad student isn't easy!! :) In other news, I am mourning time with my camera so as soon as I spend some time shooting, I will post some of my findings. School is getting more interesting by the day, and I am LOVING what I am learning about child development. The job search has slowly started for me, but for the most part I am waiting to see what positions open up later on in the year. CHRISTMAS is coming! Although I am sad that it is forced upon us in late October, it is coming up quick! Visiting friends/family in the South is looking really good right about now and I have been scouting out great ideas for homemade gifts. Don't you just love those! Haha... lovin life, lovin you!
